Victory over Water logging and Floods
Hajrapara village, adjacent to Bank of the river Kobaddak has broken during flood 2012 as well as most of the area of the village was inundated. Due to long time water logging household and public properties was damaged severely in the area. Inhabitants of the villages had lost their crops, plants and fallen into distress situation with know no bounds. In every year inhabitants of the Union are experiencing flood and water logging. Therefore marginal and small farmers and small traders, belongs almost profession of the area, attacked by the disasters, as a consequences crisis has been started in the …
Disaster Preparedness Save lives
I am Jagottara Mondol (40), live in a village named Durgapur. My husband has been died in 2000 remaining a son and a daughter. I had been passing very hard time with day laborer. My house was seriously damaged by a devastating flood in 2001. I was sheltered beside a highway with my two kids and it was raining. We were living there under a tent provided by an NGO having lots of sufferings like – congested of living space, scarcity of food, unavailable of safe drinking water and want of sanitation facilities. In the meantime the studies of my …