Victory over Water logging and Floods

Victory over Water logging and Floods

Hajrapara village, adjacent to Bank of the river Kobaddak has broken during flood 2012 as well as most of the area of the village was inundated. Due to long time water logging household and public properties was damaged severely in the area. Inhabitants of the villages had lost their crops, plants and fallen into distress situation with know no bounds. In every year inhabitants of the Union are experiencing flood and water logging. Therefore marginal and small farmers and small traders, belongs almost profession of the area, attacked by the disasters, as a consequences crisis has been started in the area in the form food scarcity with various form of health hazards. Mr. Safiqul Islam Morol, Md. Abdur Rahman Morol with other concerned of the area were thinking about the distortion’s situation of the area. In the mean time Women Job Creation Centre, a famous local NGOs, reorganized Union Disaster Management Committee with 15 members and imparted foundation training on “Disaster Risk Reduction and Role and Responsibilities of UDMC members through the financial support of European Union namely ““Action for Participatory and Comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction” project”. A threadbare CRA exercise was carried out in the union after receiving UDMC training and found out vulnerabilities of the area with cause and effects and determined actions against vulnerabilities with prioritization. According prioritized action of newly formulated DRR Plan of UDMC, villagers have re excavated the Kobaddak linkage cannel and removed all water moving barricades from the cannel under leading string of Mr. Safiqul Islam, UP Member. Now the village is free from water logging and moves flood water spontaneously to the Kobaddak river. Now the villagers cultivates crops and other agricultural product with smiling faces.

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